Building financial resilience for an uninsurable future

Personal financial resilience provides a safety net and empowers individuals to effectively manage the financial fallout from severe weather events. It allows for better preparedness, quicker recovery, and a more stable financial foundation, ensuring individuals can navigate the challenges brought about by climate change-induced weather events with greater ease and security.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help our clients better prepare for inevitable severe weather events, reducing stress for today and increasing confidence in tomorrow.

"We need radical and seismic change to the way the world's outdated financial systems work".

What do we do?


Building financial resilience for an uninsurable future; the impact of climate change on personal finances and the wealth of the nation.


Strategies for building financial resilience for an uninsurable future; the impact of climate change on personal finances and the wealth of the nation.

One-on-One Web Consulting

Connect with one of our consultants to get an assessment of your current situation and practical recommendations for how you can better prepare for inevitable severe weather events in the future.

- Personal property risk, coverage, and impact assessment

- Community assessment

- Small business assessment


We work with various partners on research projects to ensure our data is as up-to-date as possible.


Drawing on our research and publications we offer presentations for conferences and communities looking to improve their climate financial resiliency.