A lifetime of environmental stewardship and innovation

Ken Smith, Managing Editor

Ken Smith has been a leader in the environmental conservation and sustainability movement since the 1980s.  Trained, skilled, and experienced in conservation and preservation, he has been elected to multiple leadership positions and led volunteer projects for local organizations in New England and California, as well as for national organizations including the National Forest Service and the National Park Service.

Ken has built a career in high-tech entrepreneurship.  He has been the founder and senior leader of eight startup companies.  He has worked as an instructor, coach/mentor, strategic advisor, and business plan reviewer/judge for the MIT Enterprise Forum, Lean Startup, and Springboard Networks.  Ken has helped more than fifty entrepreneurs launch and grow businesses in the innovation economy.

During his career, he has been a lead renewable energy developer in the New England region, and he designed and built a distributed energy generation data platform in partnership with the National Institute of Science and Technology.

As an environmentalist and outdoor sports enthusiast, Ken knows the land and freshwater.  As an avid sailor, he knows the seas and rising tides.  As an entrepreneur, he knows finance.  And as a citizen, he is dedicated to his community.

Ken holds an MBA from the Valar Institute of the Quantic School of Business and Technology, a Masters in Education (with honors) from Simmons University in Boston, and a Bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology from the University of San Francisco.

He currently leads his cleantech and startup consultancy Snowball Enterprises.  Ken is also a member of the Secret Weapon Group which offers Startup Success, on demand.

Clients, partners, affiliations and friends

Disclaimer: Ken Smith is not a licensed financial, insurance, or wealth advisor. Always consult with a licensed professional before taking any action.